item A
chicken feet approx. 15 pieces (600 grams)
Lard half pot
item B
Soy sauce 1 tbsp
Oyster sauce 1 tbsp
Sugar 1 tbsp
Shao Xing cooking wine 1 tbsp
black fermented beans 1 tbsp
chopped Red pepper 1 tbsp
minced Garlic 1 tbsp
item C
Chopped green onion 1 tbsp
Cornstarch water (cornstarch + water) a little
1) remove chicken feet nails, chop in half, wash & dry.
2) add lard to the pot (it should be enough to cover all the chicken feet) and boil in high fire. (temperature should reach around 200 Celsius)
3) carefully, add the chicken feet to the pot, cover & fry for 8 to 10 minutes, flip them couple times. Eventually, they will turn dried due to the deep frying; the skin will become dilate.
4) turn off, pick up & drain off excess oil and put into another small bowl.
5) add item B to the pot enough to cover all the chicken feet, cover and simmer low heat about 1 hour, until they come soft and tasty. If the broth is reduced, flip a couple times so they taste evenly.
6) after it completed, turn high and cook until the soup reduced to few, add cornstarch water.
7) Sprinkle chopped green onion, blend it and serve.
1) Using lard is recommended, however, if not available, you can use regular cooking oil, make sure don’t reuse (refry) it. During the deep fried (chicken feet) process, the oil will be explosive, must cover it (w/lid), be very cautious when you open the lid (to flip the chicken feet).
2) Other will like to add soy sauce before the frying so they look attractive but this will pollute the oil, so I don’t indicate on my direction. Most restaurant will add red food coloring and I would not. If you view the the photo, the color came out pretty good and it is not necessary to do so.
3) After finished the frying (chicken feet), you could add the item B and place them in the steamer for 2 hours. You can also hold on the sugar and oyster sauce and put them in the end so the sugar will not make the chicken feet unabsorbable.
4) Preparing chicken feet could be complicated, you might want to get extra pounds so you could try different seasoning like Sacha sauce, Sichuan Ma La sauce or sweet & sour sauce. Leftover could be placed in the freezer for long time, when you’ ready to eat, just thaw and steam and it is ready to serve.