Ingredients (about 60 balls):
Glutinous rice/ sticky rice -- 300 g
Pork mince ( it’s better the part of picnic shoulder, about 30% fat included) 600 g
Giant tiger prawn (raw) – 180 g
Water chestnut – 180 g
Light soy-sauce – 1 table spoon
Sault – half tea spoon
MSG – half tea spoon
White pepper – 1/4 tea spoon
Carrot and Coriander -- small amount
1) Wash the sticky rice and soak in water overnight.
2) Put the pork mince in the refrigerator for a white till it becomes a little hard stage.
3) Before making the dish, prepare a clean for steaming, making the cloth wet and wring it keeping moisture then spread on the steamer.
4) drain the sticky rice and put it on the tray for preparation.
5) Take prawn shells off and dry the prawn by paper tea towel.
6) Peel the skin of chestnut and cut into a small pieces.
7) Put all ingredients (beside sticky rice, carrot and coriander) in the food processer and blend them till sticky stage. If there is no food processer, you can use rolling pin to stir them hardly.
8) make the mince ball into a small bite size by hand and put them on the tray with sticky rice then shark the tray lightly to make the meat ball covered by rice.
9) Put the meat ball on the moisture cloth in the steamer.
10) hash the carrot into very small pieces and sprinkle on the meat ball for decoration.
11) Steam the meat ball for 15 mins. If there is no steamer, you can use bowls or Chinese wok to make water bath and after the water boiling steam them for 15 mins. You can also use cooking paper or spray some oil on the tray to instead of the wet cloth.
12) Before it done, spray small amount water on the meat ball and stick coriander leaves on each ball for decoration. Then steam for few seconds again and enjoy as soon as possible while it’s hot.