Many people enjoy munching on chicken wings. Whenever friends hang out or gather for pot lucks, as long as it is not too formal of an environment, chicken wings are very much appreciated. Braised, roasted, or fried chicken wings are all really great. However, such is not the case with battered and fried chicken wings—as chicken wings contain a lot of fat by themselves, and that, in addition to the thick batter, result in a really oily taste. In addition, when you take a bite, it is mostly the batter and not much meat, so battered and fried chicken wings are not as popular [in Taiwan].
Once I was getting in line at a fast food restaurant. When the customers ahead of me ordered fried chicken, they all specified not wanting the wings. When it was my turn to order, I ordered two portions of fried chicken without making any special requests, and they ended up giving me all chicken wings, which made me feel really uncomfortable on the inside.
When I eat at restaurants I seldom make special requests, nor do I haggle when I shop—I feel that people should hold mutual respect toward one another and treat one another with fairness. Living with this kind of attitude has always worked for me; I do not feel that I have ever been much taken advantaged of. However, at this restaurant, having this attitude obviously would result in people neglecting you, so I never went back again.
I feel, that the attitude of having mutual respect is best manifested in the area of “fair treatment for all.” Lately group purchasing is very popular. My friends kept trying to get me to buy 50% off groupons with them. I insist on not buying and am determined to never go to those restaurants that sell them.
For why is it, that for the same entre, someone would pay 800 Yuan, but someone else would only pay 400 Yuan. If the groupons offer only 10% off, or 15% during hours when the business is slow, then I would understand. However, how can there be such a huge price discrepancy? Are they skimming on the ingredients for those who pay 400 Yuan, or ripping off those who pay 800 Yuan? Either way, this is not something that restaurants who value their reputations ought to do.
Sorry for changing the subject, back to chicken wings again. This blog introduces three very delicious and easy to prepare roast chicken wing recipes. In addition, the BBQ sauce discussed in the blog on BBQ ribs can also be used to make American style roast chicken wings; it is currently the most popular method of preparation.
When purchasing chicken wings, you can buy either the leg or the thigh part, or buy them whole; it comes down to your preference. If you buy them whole, 600 grams will give you about 15 pieces. If you buy just the leg part, 600 grams will give you about 20 pieces.
First season the wings, give it some time for the seasoning to penetrate the meat, and then roast it in the oven. In a short amount of time they will be ready for the table. It is OK to just bring the whole baking sheet to the table; this will help to keep them warm, but even at room temperature they are still delicious.
Take note, that the oven's temperature must be high. In addition, more wings require even higher temperature in order to quickly cook them. If you spend 20-30 minutes to cook something as small as chicken wings, they will lose moisture and become dry and hard.
Three Pepper and Salt Roast Chicken Wings
Chicken Wings.....................600 g
Salt.......................................1 ts
Black Pepper........................1/2 T
Szechuan Peppercorn...........1 T
Crushed Red Pepper.............1 T
1) Wash the wings and thorough dry them.
2) Add salt and the three peppers, rub them on the wings for a while so they will stick, let them sit for
two hours.
3) Preheat oven to 250 C (480 F).
4) Pick off the Szechuan peppercorn and place the wings onto a baking sheet.
5) Roast them in the center or lower rack of the oven for 8 to 12 minutes, until the surface looks
slightly burnt.
This is the simplest way to prepare chicken wings and they have a really clean taste to it, just the aroma
of the three peppers and a mild taste of saltiness and spiciness, with no overly sweet and oily flavor
whatsoever. This is my son's favorite.
I used a special Szechuan peppercorn this time, brought back by my friend from China. They are very
aromatic, but they must be removed prior to roasting, lest you bite into one and it numbs your teeth.
Japanese Style Chicken Wings
Chicken Wings................600 g
Minced Ginger.................1 T
Minced Garlic..................1 T
Sugar................................1 T
Soy Sauce........................4 T
Mirin................................1 T
White Sesame.................a pinch
1) Wash the chicken wings and thorough dry them.
2) Mix in the seasonings and marinate the wings for two hours, move them around from time to time,
so that the flavor could penetrate and evenly distribute the wings.
3) Preheat oven to 250 C (480 F).
4) Place wings on a roasting pan, sprinkle on the white sesames. If you like it spicy you can sprinkle
on some Nanami Togarashi [a spicy Japanese seasoning. link:
Togarashi-Japanese-Mixed-Pepper/dp/B000FL1U80 ].
5) Roast in the center or lower rack of the oven for 8 to 12 minutes, until the surface looks slightly
Yucatan Style Red Sesame Sauce Roast Chicken Wings
Chicken Wings..........................1200 g
Dried Ancho Chili Pepper.........4 T
Roasted White Sesame Seed..... 4 T
Raisin.........................................2 T
Tomato Juice..............................1 C
Garlic.........................................3 pc
Salt.............................................1 t
Black Pepper, Oregano, Ground Cinnamon..... a pinch
1) Wash the wings and dry thoroughly.
2) Chop the pepper into segments, rub on them and let the seeds fall out, do not use the seeds.
3) Combined the ingredients into a blender or a food processor and blend them into a paste.
4) Marinate the wings for two hours.
5) Preheat the oven to 250 C (480 F).
6) Place wings onto a roasting pan.
7) Roast in the center or the lower rack of the oven for 8 to 12 minutes, until the surface looks slightly
This is a Mexican style wing that's rich in color, aroma, and flavor. When you blend the sesame into
paste it smells really great, and the flavor is very suitable for the Chinese's taste buds.
The marinade calls for the use of ancho chili pepper, but I used regular dried chili pepper instead.
Oregano is a common herb used on pizzas. If you don't have it, it is OK to omit.