

Part I - Pineapple short cake

Make 32 short cakes


Pineapple short cake is a well-known Taiwanese sweet in the world. The combination of cookie-like butter pastries and sweet and sour (just a bit) pineapple fillings is really fantastic. The traditional shape of pineapple pancakes is rectangle. But I found that it’s hard to find rectangle molds in Czech. So use any shapes of molds you have, or make the mold by yourself.



200g butter, soften

pinch of salt

60g icing sugar

1 eggs (50g-55g)

60g milk powder

300g low-gluten flour (Hladka)

800g pineapple filling (see Part II)

A 5 cm square mold




1) Whisk butter and icing sugar until it’s even. Add eggs one by one. Whip until the mixture is even.

2) Sieve flour and milk powder into the same bowl, mix well (stop kneading before the dough comes sticky). Roll the dough in long shape and divide into 32 portions (21g each). Roll each portion into a ball.

3) Roll the pineapple filling in long shape, divide into 32 portions (25g each). Then roll each portion into a ball.


4) Take 1 pastry ball, knead it into a round, flat shape. Put 1 portion of pineapple filling in it, then close the edges of the pastry together. Roll it into a ball.


5) Place a mold on a baking tray with a baking sheet. Put the pastry with the filling in the mold and shape it.

6) Preheat the oven to 175 , put the baking tray on the top layer, bake for about 20 minutes.




Part II - Pineapple filling

Make 680g


This is not the traditional way to make the pineapple filling, but a very convenient way for individual or families. You can vary pineapples to strawberries or blueberries.



565g pineapple can, include juice

100g sugar

60g corn flour



1) Smash the pineapple and juice with an electric blender.

2) Mix smash pineapple, sugar and corn flour well.

3) Heat the mixture with a microwave until it’s boiling.

4) Take the mixture out, stir thoroughly. Heat with microwave again for few minutes.

5) When the mixture is sticky like the photo below, take it out. Cool it down, then put it in the fridge.













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